Sunday, March 7, 2010

Old Mother Hubbard

Poor Arlee had the misfortune of spending the night with us during the awkward period that comes just before we go grocery shopping.

You know, that dreadful time when all the good food in the house has been eaten and all that remains in the cupboards is a half-eaten carton of raisins and a box of Bisquick.

After offering her three meager breakfast options, and being turned down three times, she had this advice to offer,

"Um, Becky, when you have your kid here, you are going to have to do some grocery shopping because he is going to want a snack."

Oh my. Looks like I have a lot to learn about parenting.

1 comment:

julieldivine said...

that's hilarious. and a pretty awesome comment from your niece! :)