Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hi, my name is Becky and I'm a photoholic

On Saturday night, we went to Denver with our friends to check out this sweet cupcake bakery on Colfax Avenue.
My sister, her boyfriend Nate, and his sister Faith came from Ft. Collins to meet us.
When Nate sat down at the table, he set his plate down in front of him, looked at his cupcake and asked, "Am I allowed to eat this?"

I think I gave him a look that said, "Well of course, silly, it's your very-own-nutella-and-chocolate-flavored-goodness to enjoy. Why would you ask such a question?"

To which he replied, "I mean, are you going to need to take a picture first?"

Enthusiastically, I exclaimed, "Well, yes! **click** Thank you for **click** being so considerate. **click click click** I did in fact want a picture **click** of it!"

Later, on the drive home, I sheepishly realized that I am the girl who can't even let her friends enjoy their dessert without first demanding a picture. And it's not even a picture of the friend that I was after, mind you. No, it was a picture of his cupcake forcryingoutloud.

But, who doesn't want seven pictures of a little chocolate cupcake?

I mean, it's pretty adorable, right? Right? Right, guys?

Perhaps I have a problem.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Hey Becky! I was looking over your blog and you are so very talented! Then I stumbled upon the bit about the cupcake place on Colfax... and I had to say that I love that little block of cool shops. My friend Emma owns that cupcake shop and my friend Dea owns the Plastic Chapel down the street. I did some (very) amateur modeling at the Fabric Lab, right next door. How cool that you discovered that area. I hope you're doing well. =) --Meg