Tuesday, August 18, 2009

FAQ # 7

What is your timeline? When will you bring the baby home?

In the world of adoption, there are many unknowns, many things that cannot be predicted. The timeline is one of them.

But I can give you a "best guess" of sorts, based on what our adoption agency told us.

We started working on the paperwork in May and were told that the "paperwork phase" takes about 4-6 months.

Once our paperwork is completed and we are approved to adopt, we will be placed on the waiting list. Currently, the waiting list for infants in Ethiopia is about 8-10 months.

When we reach the top of the waiting list, we will be matched with a child and will receive a referral. Once we receive a referral, we will have a court date in Ethiopia where a judge declares us the legal parents of our new little one. The time between the referral and the court date is approximately 5-7 months.

Once we have passed court, we will travel within two weeks (or so) and will spend 10 days in Ethiopia before we bring baby home.

If we add it all up, we can (kind of) expect the entire process to take about 18 to 24 months.

And perhaps we will be bringing a baby home between November 2010 and May 2011.

But really, I'm just guessing here.

So, the most accurate answer to "When will you bring the baby home?" is

I have no idea.

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