Thursday, March 31, 2011
Color {Favorites: Part 2 of 4}
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Top 5 Hot Spots {Favorites: Part 1 of 4}
3) Ark Cafe - We drank LOTS of coffee in Ethiopia. It's just what you do. Our favorite spot for macchiatos was the Ark Cafe located right next to the Lion Zoo.
4) The Merkato - Ethiopia boasts Africa's largest open air market - it's were the locals shop and the tourists get pick-pocketed - and I LOVED it. The Merkato is crawling with activity - gridlocked traffic, live animals, people, people, people, and every piece of merchandise you could possibly want to purchase. We visited twice and our driver, Solomon, helped us purchase all of the items necessary to host our own coffee ceremony, even down to the raw coffee beans. Though I put up a good fight, Solomon absolutely would not let me walk around the Merkato and he only let me out of the van for about 10 minutes. It's like he thought I would stick out or something. :)
5) Kuriftu Resort - This beautiful resort was located about an hour outside of the city. The drive alone was worth the visit as we got to see what life was like outside of the bustle of Addis. Kuriftu is the Broadmoor Hotel of Ethiopia and we enjoyed a great lunch and kayak ride around the lake. (Travelers advice: If you are looking to relax a bit during your stay in Ethiopia, plan to spend 4-6 hours at Kuriftu. They have a full-service spa, hookah lounge, and places to relax by the water.)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
You gotta fight..for your PAARRTAAAY
Why Having a Toddler is Like Being at a Frat Party
10. There are half-full, brightly-colored plastic cups on the floor in every room. Three are in the bathtub.
9. There’s always that one girl, bawling her eyes out in a corner.
8. It’s best not to assume that the person closest to you has any control over their digestive function.
7. You sneak off to the bathroom knowing that as soon as you sit down, someone’s going to start banging on the door.
6. Probably 80% of the stains on the furniture contain DNA.
5. You’ve got someone in your face at 3 a.m. looking for a drink.
4. There’s definitely going to be a fight.
3. You’re not sure whether anything you’re doing is right, you just hope it won’t get you arrested.
2. There are crumpled-up underpants everywhere.
1. You wake up wondering exactly how and when the person in bed with you got there.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
I'm not going to describe to you the conditions or the smell or the sadness. I really do believe that the caregivers in these homes are doing their very best and I don't want to make it sound like they aren't trying. And honestly, I saw some of the same things within the walls of the orphanages as I did out in the middle of town.
Runny noses, bare feet, and torn clothes are just normal here. These things don't indicate a child's happiness or a reveal family's status. Most children here just don't have much.
But here's what got to me about the children in the orphanages - they think they don't matter.
Within seconds of pulling through the gate at the boys' orphanage the frenzied excitement told us how much they LOVE visitors. And the girls, oh those sweet girls, clung to our waits and held our hands tight as soon as hurried introductions had been made.
Please, listen to my song.
Please, play futbol.
Please, take my photo.
Please, help me read my school lesson and play a hand-clap game with me.
Please. Notice. Me.
At ten or twelve years old, these children are still hopeful. They are thrilled that 15 ferenge came to see them and I do believe that they feel our love - that on some level they know that we care about them.
But one morning, these little girls and boys are going to wake up and say to themselves, "You know what? I. Don't. Matter. What difference does it make whether or not I get an education? Who will care if I disappear? Who will I disappoint if I become a prostitute?"
This realization may come gradually - slowly building in their minds each day - or it may hit like a ton of bricks. Either way, the day a child asks WHO CARES? and the answer is NOBODY is the day that child's life changes for worse.
The main - and perhaps the only - difference between a child living in the orphanage and a child living in a tin or mud home is that the child living in the orphanage has no family. No mother or father, aunt or uncle, grandma or grandpa to say, "I value you. You are important to me."
This difference is HUGE.
Since we've been here, Mark and I have asked each other often, "So, what do we do?"
I've said it before, and I believe it even more now, adoption is not the solution. Many orphans (dare I say most?) are not eligible for adoption and many of the children who I saw on Friday will never, ever experience a family. But somehow, we've got to show these children that they matter - that they are important to someone and that someone cares deeply what happens to them.
Thankfully, I saw evidence all around the orphanages that showed me that other families who have come before me believe this also. Families who met these electric children and said, "You know what? YOU. DO. MATTER."
A library full of books donated to the boys - I value your education.
New computers with internet - I want you to learn about the world.
New playground equipment for the girls - It matters to me that you have fun.
A box of new shoes delivered to the toddlers - I care about your health and safety.
I know these are just things. Material possessions that will one day fade and be destroyed, but they send a message that is so much greater, a message that is perhaps not conveyed to these kids in any other way.
I wish I could hold each of their faces in my hands, look into their eyes, and say, "You are of utmost importance. Learn. Grow. Thrive. Be something."
But I know I can't - so I will continue to support projects that send soccer balls and buy goats and provide school uniforms and will trust that my Heavenly Father will use these gifts to capture children's hearts and enfold them into His family as his very own valuable, precious children.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Have you learned about Ethiopian culture?
Have you met other families who have adopted from Ethiopia?
Have you met the child you wish to adopt?
And do you still wish to adopt him?
**ahem** Yes
Do you understand that the adoption is permanent and cannot be reversed for any reason?
The whole thing lasted about two-and-a-half minutes, but I'm pretty sure that our lives were forever changed in that office.
We also learned that our boy's mom did indeed appear yesterday to relinquish her rights.
So that's it. We belong to eachother. We're hooked for life.
Now, to just get that letter and get. him. home.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Court Day
Monday, March 7, 2011
I'm in love with a short, chubby guy with curly black hair
I shouldn't have worried.
I saw him the second I rounded the corner - peeking up over the top of his crib fussing. I bee-lined for him, stepping over two little butterballs playing on the floor.
I immediately swooped up my boy and I think I shocked the pants off of him because he stopped crying.
We studied each other's faces for a few minutes - I cried and then he cried. I handed him to Mark and there were more tears and more curiosity.
The room was very crowded - there are nine babies who call it home plus three or four caregivers who spend every day there. We squished down onto the floor with the boy and played with all of the babies. Some wanted to crawl all over us, while others wanted to look at us and cry. Our boy just sat there and stared. The photos we have been receiving in updates do not betray him. He. Is. Very. Serious.
Thanks to a stuffed panda and Mark's ability to make it fly, we did get a few laughs out of him after about 45 minutes. He gave us big open mouthed grins as the panda flew in to attack his neck and he rejected the panda when we placed it in his lap - we think he was disappointed that it wasn't flying. It's like he was saying, "Well, what good is it if it is just sitting there."
The hour went fast, but it wasn't too hard to leave him. Sad, yes, but not hard. He has good care, a good routine, he is eating well, and is surrounded by people who love him. It actually felt very comfortable to leave him there.
We'll spend another hour with him today (Tuesday) and then see him again on Friday.
In the meantime, we're drinking coffee and eating sugar cane and getting to know the seven other adoptive families who have joined us here.
It's been a wonderful two days.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
While you are sleeping
I love it here.
I feel very safe
and welcome
and happy
and we might never come home.
I'm kidding.
Friday, March 4, 2011
A little funny for you
Thursday, March 3, 2011
So, wait, you mean you're not bringing the baby home?!?
How You can Pray while we're away
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I've got diapers comin' out my ears
We are so, so thankful to all of you who have enabled us to bless the care center that has gone above and beyond to provide excellent care for our baby.