Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Earlier this week, Mark smashed his finger in the kickstand of his motorcycle. This resulted in much pain and a middle finger that looked like this...
When his finger started falling asleep, he began inquiring about what he should do. How do I stop the PAIN!? The answer? Get a straight pin and a lighter, heat up the straight pin, and shove it through your fingernail. I'm sure that many of you have done this before, but neither Mark or I had. We kept hearing stories of people passing out during this process or of blood that squirts out from the nail all over the place (actually hitting the ceiling in one case). So to avoid either of these mishaps, I made mark sit down on the kitchen floor...
...and perform the procedure inside a large ziplock bag. I was willing to hold the bag for him, but no cleaning blood off the ceiling for this girl! 
The procedure went well. All pressure was released and the throbbing has stopped. No need to worry. 

1 comment:

cj said...

Drew's favorite remedy is to use his drill. No kidding. I do not recommend this method as it results in blood not just on the ceiling, but everywhere. This is a result of him jerking his hand away from the pain as soon as the drill bit works its way through the fingernail. I will recommend your method next time. I have enjoyed checking in your blog to see what you guys have been up too. I love your photos!