Friday, December 4, 2009

Hockey According to Arlee

"DU is dumb. Can I sit by you, Becky? When are you going to open the candy? See all the people wearing yellow? That means they are voting for CC. And in a minute, we are going to have to be quite because they are going to sing the song of the American, which is always really long.
And then the referees are going to come onto the ice. They are just there in case anyone gets hurt. At half-time we get snacks and the am-bo-neenee makes the ice shiny again. Can we open the candy now? I wish that I could come to the hockey game for my birthday and then go swimming.
If CC doesn't win against DU, I am going to be really mad. I'll be mad for like a day. What are those people cheering? I think they are saying 'boo-hoo DU.' Help me watch for the tiger. I want him to come up here so I can be on the TV. Is it half time yet? I'm hungry."
Caden, however, takes this whole hockey thing alot more seriously.